For press inquiries please contact our Head of Coms:!
December 2019
The Pies News – IGNITE 2019 sheds a light on the importance of digital learning opportunities for refugees
The French Tech community in Angers welcomed Rana, one of the #TF4Women fellows, and talked about this experience on their blog (in French)
November 2019
Maddyness announces the #TF4Women fellows’ final run with the Job Dating event on December 3rd (French).
For French readers, Le Point published a recap article about the panel discussion about Africa tech in which our CEO was involved in Marseille.
October 2019
Our CEO is one of the public supporters of the next Maddy Keynote so she was asked to share her vision of the 2020′ topic of the conference: the Mutations. French readers: have a look!
Have a look at Cédric’s blog post sharing his experience as part of Techfugees’ first hackathon in Copenhagen with the Pasarán project for displaced people!
Irish Tech News announces Techfugees Ireland’ meetup!
September 2019
Techfugees: The Global Tech Community Responds to the Refugee Crisis
Hacky Place in the Collective Hub Magazine
July 2019
Techfugees’ April > June newsletter
Silicon Luxembourg – When Technologies facilitate the integration of refugees
Maddyness (French)
June 2019
Forbes – Refugee Week – Businesses Building A Shared Future
Techfugees NZ‘ first hack was on Re:news
The Importance of Techfugees is a Medium post written by John Westgarth who attended Techfugees Australia WRD meetup
May 2019
Techfugees France was on GuitiNews (French)
Techfugees Barcelona‘s first hackathon was on Peaceworx
A Youth for Technology Foundation team participated in Techfugees Nairobi hackathon and told it in a blog post
Techfugees NZ‘ representative, Rochelle, gave an interview on Access Radio
Podcast “Le Marketing Cause” avec Ambre Cerny, Directrice de la communication de Techfugees (French)
April 2019
Techfugees’ January > March newsletter
Techfugees’ first African hackathon in Kenya was on CGTN Africa
Techfugees Australia‘s last hackathon was on ABC National Radio
Stratégies – Les start-up, fers de lance de la tech for good (French)
Les Echos – Tech for good : “Jongler entre rentabilité et impact” (French)
What design can do – We need to battle with empathy. We need to humanize
March 2019
Techfugees France call to apply to the #TF4Women fellowship programme 2019 was on Maddyness
French Web – Mythes et réalités autour des migrants (French podcast with Joséphine Goube)
Madame Figaro – Remarquable Women in Technology, UNESCO’ exhibition feat Joséphine Goube (French)
February 2019
Medium, Marylene Ricci – What would it be like to spend one day in 2084? #MaddyKeynote2019
Hello Neighbor – 43 Refugee and Immigrant Advocates To Know (with Mike Butcher inside!)
Video podcast of “Le Salon des Entrepreneurs” – Joséphine Goube’s interview (French)
January 2019
Techfugees New Zealand’s kick off on Scoop & Computer world
The Big Issue – Techfugees’ Founder & Chairman (Mike Butcher) listed as one of The Big Issue’s Changemakers Top 100
Maddyness – Interview of Joséphine Goube – Techfugees’ CEO (French)
December 2018
Tropics Magazine – Nomination of Techfugees’ CEO (Joséphine Goube) as the Prominent Female European Entrepreneur of the Year 2018
November 2018
- Diario de Noticias (Portuguese)
- RFI (French)
- BBC – 10’45
October 2018
They talk about the Techfugees Global Summit 2018
September 2018
Partnership with Google for entrepreneurs announcement (on l’ADN & Maddyness – French)
Welcome to the Jungle (French)
August 2018
L’Express (French)
Maddyness (French)
July 2018
One the Dot, podcast
April 2018
Lush : Katie meets Alice & Data for good with Mike Butcher and Joséphine Goube
Simone (French)
March 2018
Mediatico, “Le JT de l’ESS” (French) – From 3′
- Medium SXSW
- Facebook live SXSW
- Statesman
- Handelsblatt (German)
- Munich Startup (German)
- The Fullest, podcast
- Houdoukyoku (Japanese)
- Maddyness (French)
- SilexID (French)
- Danny Devriendt’s blog
Previous years
UK Media
- BBC Click: How Technology is Helping Refugees
- Business Weekly: Cambridge tech community wades into world refugee crisis
- Cambridge News: Cambridge tech cluster comes together to help refugees
- Informilo: London’s Techfugees Helps Support Syrian RefugeesBusiness Insider: Here are all the UK tech figures named in the Queen’s birthday honours list
- Sky News: Techies Unite To Tackle Challenge Of Refugees Video:
- Evening Standard: Tech City’s response to the refugee crisis shows real innovation
- The Telegraph: Techfugees ready or not to take on migrant crisis
- City AM: EU migrant crisis: How technology could help solve the refugee crisisReuters: Britain’s tech community links up with charities to help migrants with mobiles
- The Guardian: The global tech community tackles the refugee crisis
- Financial Times: A German entrepreneurial spirit to heal refugees’ plight
- Financial Times: Notebook: Technology comes to the rescue in migrant crisis
- The Verge: Hacking the refugee crisis
- The Next Web: Techfugees aims to crowdsource solutions to Europe’s migrant crisis
- New Scientist: How to make apps that help Europe-bound Syrian refugees
- Global Risk Insight: Technology’s unexpected involvement in the refugee crisis
- Alphr: Meet the company co-ordinating tech’s response to refugees
- Tech entrepreneurs set to crowdsource solutions for refugee crisis
- The Memo: Behind the scenes at Europe’s biggest innovation event
- NewsDeeply: Experts to Watch: Innovating Refugee Response
- OpenSource: Hackathons bring open source innovation to humanitarian aid
- Forbes: Technology is a better fix for the Syrian crisis than donations and aid
- Voice of America: Britain’s Tech Community Helping Migrants With MobilesUSA Today: Tech world hits refugee crisis wallVC Post: British tech community delivers innovative solutions to refugees
- Bloomberg: Solving the refugee crisis one algorithm at a time
- CNN: Tech tackles the refugee crisis
- Coverage of #TechfugeesNY
- La Repubblica TorinoStartMiUp
- Citizen Carl
- Data Manager
- PoliTO
- Quotidiano Piemontese
- Torino Eventi
- Digi:TO
- Torino Smart City
- AltriMondi
- Italia PubblicitaLa Stampa
- La Tribuna
- Agenda Digital
- La Repubblica TorinoStartMiUp
- Citizen Carl
- Data Manager
- PoliTO
- Quotidiano Piemontese
- Torino Eventi
- Digi:TO
- Torino Smart City
- AltriMondi
- Italia PubblicitaLa Stampa
- La Tribuna
- Agenda Digitale
- Smart Company: How startups and entrepreneurs are working to make life easier for refugees around the world
- Business Insider: London has hosted a ‘Techfugees’ hackathon to address the growing refugee crisisSBS Australia: Hacking to help refugees in Sydney
- StartupSmart: Tech hackathon to help refugees settle in Australia is coming to Melbourne
- AEIDL: Techfugees: Techies connecting migrants
- Wamda: Kwik emergency response sensor wins refugee hackathon
- Newsweek Middle East: Cracking the crisis
- Luxemburger Wort: My life is in my smartphone
- DR.DK: Tech folk will help Europe’s refugees
- Medie Varlden: Schibsted in new refugee projects
- Kampanje: Schibsted help in refugee project