Techfugees LEBANON 
Lebanon is one of the countries hosting the largest number of refugees relative to its national population, with about 3 million displaced persons nationwide. One out of three has come from Syria as well as hundreds of thousands of long-term Palestinian refugees. Due to the current political and economic crisis affecting any inhabitant of the country, many are jobless and suffer from precarious situations. Techfugees Chapter in Lebanon started in March 2019 with a focus on how to foster access to digital employment for Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Beqaa, Beirut and Tripoli.

We support refugees in Lebanon to get access to remote work opportunities. We enable discussions, awareness and trainings about existing projects from the gig economy and remote work market. We’re partnering with Humans in the Loop to provide training and access to remote data labelling freelancing opportunities for batches of 25 refugees. We are also are supported by the Western Union Foundation to facilitate a digital employment corridor between Lebanon and Canada for digitally skilled refugees.
We share through our knowledge (about payment solutions, remote work platforms, remote recruitment best practices) through local meetups and on a whatsapp community group.

We share our insights with a wider community (conferences & think-tanks) to inform on most pressing issues and needs on the ground. This paves the way for a better understanding & more relevant tech solutions.
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Have a look at Techfugees Guiding Principles Framework and participate by sharing your insights
Check our Chapters video conferences available on Youtube

How refugees in Lebanon can benefit from cryptocurrencies to exchange money and increase financial inclusion?
Video: Discussion Panel, Blockchain for Refugees at Station F Techfugees Summit, 2018. The Lebanese economy is stagnant, and refugees are […]

Techfugees launches its first Digital Corridor program for remote work and labor mobility in tech for crisis-affected countries
FACILITATING LABOR MOBILITY IN THE TECH SECTOR The pandemic has triggered a paradigm shift in regards with work and recruitment. […]

Techfugees Digital Spark Program to provide access to free digital skills training
In September 2021, Techfugees, in partnership with Google for Startups and Coursera, launched an international pilot training program across our […]
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What digital services to pay forcibly displaced persons remotely in Lebanon and increase financial inclusion ?
What are the main barriers displaced persons face regarding accessing financial services ? By financial inclusion, we understand […]

Techfugees Lebanon and Humans in the Loop team up to provide remote work opportunities in Lebanon
Article written by Nowar Rahmani, Communications Officer at Techfugees Lebanon. Since its launch in 2019, Techfugees Lebanon has been committed […]

What it is like to volunteer with Techfugees … Adeeb’s experience in Lebanon !
I was looking for any empowering opportunities for me as a Syrian refugee living in Lebanon for several years, but sadly … There was a lack of such things. With Techfugees and this phone call, I found a sparkle of hope to at least start doing something toward changing the situation in Lebanon by cooperating with the uprising community around the world. […]
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Harout MARDIROSSIAN, Chapter Lead
Originally Syrian, living in Lebanon for almost 7 years, Harout is an IT and data professional with over 6 years of experience in both private and non-profit sectors. He loves to solve problems using technology, especially for refugees so Techfugees feels like home for him! Follow Harout on Linkedin

Abdullah ALTAWEEL,Volunteer, Tripoli
Abdullah is a 29 years old Syrian refugee, Living in Lebanon since 2013. he is an information technology graduate and a front end web developer competent with technologies as Java script, React.js, Node.js and Bootstrap. He is also a documentary films maker and a scriptwriter. Follow Abdullah on Linkedin

Muzna ALZOHORI, Volunteer, Bekaa Valley
Muzna Alzohori, 26 years. Stopped studying Electronic Engineering at the University of Aleppo because of the war. Since 2013, I am refugee in Lebanon. Student of a computer science at LIU in the graduation year. Advocate for the rights of refugees and women. Co-Founder of Association of the University Students in Lebanon(AUSL), and of the Jellyfish Project. Writer, and filmmaker. Follow Muzna on Linkedin

Nowar Rahmouni, Communication, Beirut
Business and Communications, graduated with honor from the Lebanese International University, Communication Arts, Radio and TV, wth two short documentaries. Motivational speaker, hosted several events and conferences as a Public Speaker. Proven success and leadership in more than 12 years of experience while working in different fields with businesses and NGOs. Founder at "Gharna" for traditional organic and handmade products. SPRAK Alumni Network Board of Members, Communications and Vice President. Follow Nowar on Linkedin

Adeeb KIMEH, Volunteer, Beirut
Adeeb Kimeh studied Management Information Systems and has worked in several fields and countries in the Middle East. He has worked with NGOs since 2014 and is a co-founder of a group "I Can Do" that teaches life skills to youth. He has knowledge in technology and business development and aims to spread his positivity and optimism among his peers. Follow Adeeb on Linkedin

Majd Al Kawaas , Volunteer, Beirut
Majd is original form Damascus, Syria who left the war in Syria looking for better opportunities. Currently, he is computer science student at the American University of Beirut (AUB), with experience in software development and machine learning. He worked on variety of machine learning project at AUB. Get in touch with Majd on Linkedin

Adeeb KHOJA, Volunteer, Beirut
Adeeb is 23 years old and he has been living in Lebanon since 2012. Adeeb is a goal-oriented and a highly motivated person who always depends on himself and influences the people around him to take action or do the right thing. He was granted a scholarship to study Computer Science in 2018 at the American University of Science and Technology and he graduated with distinction in 2021. Afterward, he joined Tick’It a tech startup that is aimed to disrupt the events management industry as a junior developer and he got promoted to the development team lead for a team of 4 developers. He works closely with the CEO and Co-founders to understand the next goals and features then he leads the team to deliver the requirements on time. Adeeb dreamed of creating a mentorship community in the MENA region, since such communities are not available and he struggled to find a mentor until now. he believes that joining Techfugees will enable him to be a mentor one day and create a mentorship community to reach most of the displaced people. Follow Adeeb on Linkedin

Bassel HARB, Volunteer, Beirut
Originally from Damascus, Bassel Harb holds a degree in political science from Damascus University and freelancers in data annotation with HITL and Volunteer as Coordinator with Techfugees. He also is a Students Services Coordinator with Arabi foundation and Program Organizer with SWB. Currently, Bassel is learning Data Analytics with Coursera. Follow Bassel on Linkedin

Rima KHALIFA, Volunteer, Tripoli
Rima is a 27 years old Syrian refugee, lives in Lebanon since 2016. Gets her Bachelor degree in Biochemistry at the Lebanese International University and currently considering her MBA degree specialized in management within the same university. She is an outreach volunteer with UNHCR at north Lebanon and Digital corridor graduate with Techfugees. Accordingly, Rima has reach a high level of communication skills and team working abilities, in addition to having a very good experience in quality control within technical labs. Furthermore, she worked as pharmacist assistant, Data entry and Data annotation with a good level of experience. Rima always have one main target is to increase her knowledge in a wide range of fields not to only stick to those who are related to her education.
We engage with a variety of organisations to contribute & bring meaningful tech solutions for and with refugees. Click on the logos below and discover how we worked with them in the past.