Volunteers in Cambridge started their own local chapter in July 2016.
📰 Read all the Techugees’ news here
Coming soon!
🗓 Take a look at the Techfugees global calendar here
Coming soon!
⏮ 2019, October 26th: Discussing the use of tech to include the 100 refugees resettled in Cambridge with the Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign and the Raspberry Pi Foundation
⏮ 2019, September 5, 12 & 19: Techfugees Cambridge’s September after-work meetups
This month, Techfugees Cambridge shifts up a gear and moves from monthly Sunday meetups to three after-work networking & brainstorming sessions across the city. Go meet them & get involved!
⏮ 2019, August 11th: Techfugees Cambridge’s August meetup
⏮ 2019, July 14th: July’s monthly meet up
⏮ 2019, June 9th: Techfugees Cambridge June’s meetup
⏮ 2019, May 12th: Techfugees Cambridge monthly meetup ☕️
⏮ 2019, April 14th: Cambridge casual Sunday Meetup #2
⏮ 2019, March 10th: Cambridge friendly Meetup
⏮ 2018, June 22nd & 23rd: Cambridge Esolthon
Taking place at Makespace Cambridge, this hack will work to create resources for ESOL teachers working with refugees.
⏮ 2016, October 29th: Access to English for refugees and asylum seekers
Techfugees Cambridge, ran this conference in collaboration with Cambridge English Language Assessment, exploring how technology can be used to support refugees with English language learning. A recording of the event is available on the Techfugees YouTube channel
⏮ 2016, July 2nd: Improving refugee camps and refugee data security
Techfugees Cambridge launch event was a conference bringing together volunteers from refugee camps together with technology specialists and academics to find ways that we could help provide more stability or efficiency.
The Core Team
Techfugees Cambridge is currently led by:
Oscar Gillespie, Cambridge

Oscar has worked in or around the games industry for 18 years, and is currently making maths games for the classroom using simple HTML5, after a short adventure in local politics. His father got him involved in technology at a very early age, but failed to convince him to follow a career as a quantum mechanic 😉
Get in touch with Oscar on LinkedIn!
🙋♀️ Join the team! Volunteer your skills! 🙋♂️
Stay in touch
📣 Follow Techfugees Cambridge on Facebook (page & group) and Twitter!
📧 cambridge@techfugees.com