Techfugees Serbia 🇷🇸

🇷🇸 Techfugees SERBIA 🇷🇸

The Techfugees' chapter in Serbia started in 2016. It was one of the first Chapter following the call from London. It brings together a group of active and engaged members from the associative, tech and entrepreneurial communities all looking for solutions to improve the lives of refugees in Serbia. Lately the team has been focussing on how to fight stereotypes, fake news and hate speech.


Nous connectons des individus et organisations très diverses qui partagent un même objectif : utiliser le numérique pour trouver des solutions aux obstacles auxquels les réfugiés se confrontent.


En savoir plus

⏮ 2017, May: Belgrade Techfugees Hackathon #2

⏮ 2016, April 8th>10th: How to Hack a Disaster


Nous partageons les leçons retenues et nos découvertes dans des cercles plus larges (conférences et think-tanks) pour informer sur les urgences et besoins pressants du terrain. Ceci afin que les solutions tech pensées et testées soient plus pertinentes.


En savoir plus



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Filip MILENKOVIC, Chapter lead

Filip studied political sciences (to change the world), philosophy (to understand the world) and a lot of computer science online on his own. He currently has is own consultancy company on product development, open governance & public policy, strategy & growth. He's also one of two individual members of the Open Data working group of Serbia and loves to build communities.


We engage with a variety of organisations to contribute & bring meaningful tech solutions for and with refugees. Click on the logos below and discover how we worked with them in the past.