Jordan is one major host country of refugees from the region and hosts approximately 656,198 refugees(*), which amounts to about 10% of its population. The majority comes from neighbouring countries: Syria, Palestine and Iraq and live outside the camps (79%) in Amman, Mafraq, Irbid and Zarqa.
A minority founds itself stuck at the border or locked in one of the five refugee camps managed by UNHCR (Za’atari being its most famous). Every camp is different in size, population and services available. Access to them is strictly and exclusively reserved to authorised NGOs and the military.

The Techfugees Jordanian chapter was launched at a tech salon organised by Soutkel and UNICEF Amman. Since that first meeting, the team has signed a strategic partnership with Zain Jordan to organise more events and hackathons in the country and foster the creation of technology for refugees’ integration.
The Techfugees Jordanian chapter is currently on hold
📰 Read all the Techugees’ news here
🗓 Take a look at the Techfugees global calendar here
⏮ May 4th > 6th, 2017: Coders & Makers Hackathon
⏮ November 2016:Techfugees partnered with Startup Weekend Amman and UNICEF Jordan on refugee challenges
⏮ August 2016: Techfugees Jordan launched with key humanitarian actors
The Core Team
Techfugees Jordan was led by Ali Hilli.
Stay in touch
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