Un commentaire sur « Techfugees Summit, a two-day event in Paris, at Station F this October. »

  1. Sub: Interested on your Shelter house for Refugee interested to join in your summit in October 2017 in Paris, France

    Dear Sir,

    We like to introduce our-self. Progress Holding Ltd. one of the top consulting and construction company of Bangladesh with 25 years experience working with Bangladesh government agencies including Bangladesh Army. We are top most category license holder for consulting and construction.

    We are happy to let you know that we are assign to design and supply and construct 1000 unit shelter for ROHINGA Refugees in Bangladesh on emergency basis. Due to climate condition of Bangladesh we can not use wood or particle Board as construction materials for the shelter. The Kitchen and the toilet facilities should not be in the integrated to the shelter for Refugees

    As you have the experience and reputation to design and supply shelter for Refugees, we are contacting you with that reference. Like to get your pricing, available design of shelters and how first you can supply those units.

    We will be also happy to work with you on innovation and Design and Supply level in this regard.

    Like to have your kind and emergency response for further discussions and details working procedure.

    We are interested to participate in your summit need invitation to complete the official formalities for participation. Will send the participants details after your kind response.

    Please don’t hesitate to contact me on Mobile, Cell Phone, Whatsup or IMO or direct Phone Cell and e-mail contact with me (Architect Mohammad Al-Amin, Managing Director, Progress Group: +8801-58610236 (Land Phone): +8801711530298 (Cell), CEO.PROGRESSGROUP@GMAIL.COM


    Architect. Mohammad Al-Amin
    Principal Architect and Managing Director
    Progress Holding Ltd, Road-1, Plot-33, Dhanmondi r/a, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
    http://www.progressgroupbd.com e-mail: ceo.progressgroup@gmail.com

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