Techfugees 2020 Calendar of Events

Our dedicated community of volunteers worldwide organises regular meetups, workshops and hackathons gathering refugee and local key players of the local ecosystem or just curious minds. Techies, social entrepreneurs, designers, students, researchers, humanitarians, corporate representatives,… There, we will share knowledge, resources and network to ideate and prototype solutions addressing displaced people’s needs according to our 8 Guiding Principles and within our 5 priority areas of work Every single one of you is more than welcome 🤗

 ⏭ Next events ….

🇨🇦 Civic hacknight #266 VIRTUAL – Introduction to Techfugees Toronto

Tuesday, November 3rd  👉Register on meetup

⏮ Previously ….

🌏 Techfugees Data Hub Live Session – Calais and the UK

Friday, October 16th 👉Register on eventbrite 

🇰🇪 Techfugees Kenya Meetup: Refugees & Displaced persons’ voices

Thursday, August 27th 👉Register Eventbrite

🌏 Techfugees Data Hub Live Session – North Africa & Lybia

Friday, July 24th 👉Register on eventbrite 

🇰🇪 Techfugees Kenya Meetup: Technologies and Innovations to be leveraged to support displaced people

Thursday, July 23rd 👉Register on eventbrite

🇨🇦 Techfugees Toronto Talk #2: The Canadian Refugee Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

Wednesday, July 8th  👉Register on eventbrite

🌏 Techfugees Data Hub Live Session – Europe & Greece

Friday, June 26th 👉Register on eventbrite

🇫🇷 Techfugees France: Volunteer Recruitment Event

Monday, June 17th 👉Register on eventbrite

🇰🇪 Techfugees Kenya Relaunch:Technology in disrupting existing inequalities among refugees in Kenya amidst COVID-19

Thursday, June 18th 👉Register on eventbrite

🌏 Techfugees Data Hub Live Session – The Middle East & Jordan

Friday, June 12th 👉Register on eventbrite

🌏 Techfugees Data Hub Live Session – Americas & the US/Mexico border

Friday, May 29th 👉Register on eventbrite

🇨🇦 Techfugees Toronto Talks: Get to know Techfugees

Thursday, May 21st 👉Register on eventbrite

🇱🇧 Online Meetup with TF Lebanon: Online Communication skills during the COVID-19 transition

Wednesday, May 20th 👉Register on facebook

🌏 Techfugees Data Hub Live Session – Asia Pacific & Malaysia

Friday, May 15th 👉Register on eventbrite

🇱🇧 Online Meetup with TF Lebanon: Business Model Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Tuesday, May 5th 👉Register on facebook

🇱🇧 Online Meetup with TF Lebanon: Entrepreneurship Programmes during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Wednesday, April 22nd 👉Register on facebook

🇳🇬 Online Workshop with TF Nigeria: Seeking Markets for Forcibly Displaced People Products

Tuesday, April 21st 👉Register on eventbrite

🇱🇧 Online Meetup with TF Lebanon: Remote Work Solutions for Refugees During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Saturday, April 11th 👉Register on facebook

🇫🇷 TF4Women 2020 Online Meeting Session – Paris (Facebook Live)

Thursday, April 2nd 👉Register on eventbrite

🇮🇪 Tech for Good : Refugee Rights with TF Ireland  x Tech for Good Dublin

Thursday, March 12th 👉 Registrations are open on Meetup // UPDATE: Event is cancelled due to health concerns

🇩🇰 Techfugees Denmark x Google Hackathon 

Friday – Sunday, March 5-7th 👉 Registrations are open on Eventbrite

🇦🇺 Techfugees Adelaide Meetup

Monday, February 10th 👉 Registrations are open on Meetup  




📣 Don’t miss any event! Follow Techfugees on TwitterFacebookInstagram, LinkedInYouTube 


Have a look at Techfugees’ 2019 events, read the last news from the Techfugees local chapters or become a Techfugees’ volunteer.

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