On the 2nd July 2016, Techfugees will be holding a free conference in Cambridge, UK that will look into how technology can improve refugee camps and address the question of data security for humanitarian tech projects. The event will bring together developers, designers, engineers, refugees and NGOs and will be the first event of Techfugees Cambridge. Registration is free.
The event will give particular consideration to improving internet/local network connectivity, data security/privacy and personal empowerment, and look at relevant technologies improving access to training/education/jobs.

Hassan Akkad – A Syrian refugee who spent two months in the Calais camp, speaking about his journey.
Evert Bopp – CEO of Disaster Tech Labs.
Rachel Mantell – An admin of Calais People 2 People solidarity, speaking about social media and the crisis.
Dr Arjuna Sathiaseelan – Head of the Networking for Development lab at the University of Cambridge’s Computer Lab.
The conference will offer:
- Refugees, NGOs and grassroots organisations the chance to pitch their asks to the technology, and academic communities.
- Afternoon breakout workshops to discuss the issues identified.
- The chance to reflect on current technology and apps developed by previous Techfugees events and humanitarian sector.
The conference schedule is split in half. In the morning, there will be a series of talks from experts who can share knowledge about issues in refugee camps and issues with current technology. There will be a chance to ask questions from the audience. Four of the speakers will introduce specific challenges which come with an invitation to pool resources in an attempt to solve them.
In the afternoon, we will split into smaller groups to try and move towards solutions for the four challenge streams introduced in the morning. These groups will be facilitated in order to help them discover what the delegates can offer to solve the problems, whether it’s planning, design, programming, funding or networking. Groups will continue to work together after the end of the conference.
We invite you and your colleagues to join us in making Techfugees Cambridge a successful initiative and join our inaugural conference.
To register for a free ticket, please visit the eventbrite page here.
Contact: Oscar Gillespie: oscar.e.gillespie@gmail.com | Richard Dent: rd459@cam.ac.uk